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  • Where do you ship?
    United States and Canada
  • Can I cancel my order?
    We do not allow cancellations after an order has been placed. All orders are final.
  • What payment methods are accepted?
    We accept Visa, Mastercard, & American Express
  • I could not place an order but there is a charge on my account. What is it?
    If your order did not go through, the order was not placed. If this is the case, a charge on your account is only a pending hold and will clear (drop off) within 48 hours.
  • Why is there a signature requirement for my package?
    All orders $100 or more require a signature.
  • How long does it take to receive my order?
    Orders are typically shipped out within 14 business days of the date the order is placed and U.S. shipping takes 7-10 days. If an item is on back order, you will receive the order once the item is back in stock. Pre-orders vary.
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